Grit, Grind, Body & Mind
We love this message from Peak Performance Expert & Coach Howard Falco:
Grit, Grind and Mind: The Path of a Champion
December 6, 2017 – The Huffington Post
Some excerpts below:
Grit is defined as courage, resolve or strength of character.
To have grit is to be relentless in your will to be the best. This grit shows up in all of your actions as it relates to your goal. From the time you get up, to the time you go to sleep this grit in you to be the best is demonstrated in your unwavering fortitude and intention to make sure you are the most prepared you can be for every situation you will face as a competitor in your sport. Grit emanates from a desire so strong that you feel that absolutely nothing will stop you from reaching your dream. You are full of energy and ready to learn all you need to learn. You are ready to do anything it takes to succeed. In the heart of a competitive battle it is your grit that has you push through that one play or one shot with an effort that is just stronger than your competitor that can make all the difference in the outcome. It is grit that can wear the best of competitors down. You’ve got to want it more than anything or anyone else.

“A champion is someone who gets up when he can’t.”
Jack Dempsey
GRIND is the day in & day out commitment to practice, preparation & the sacrifice that it takes to accomplish the dream.
The grind is embraced as a necessary and even exciting part of the journey. Toughness, dedication, and the expression of how bad one wants it, is on display through endless preparation and dedicated commitment to being the best and going through the extremely necessary process to get there. It is the work that separates those that rise to the top from those that don’t. When an athlete, team or coach has the grit and desire to achieve a goal, no amount of grind becomes monotonous or tiring. The grind is embraced as a necessary and even exciting part of the journey. Toughness, dedication, and the expression of how bad one wants it, is on display through endless preparation and dedicated commitment to being the best and going through the extremely necessary process to get there.

“The vision of a champion is someone who is bent over, drenched in sweat, at the point of exhaustion when no one else is watching.”
Anson Dorrance
MIND is the power of the belief in ultimate successful outcome.
It is a state of energy that flows from a mindset that is focused on only one intention, winning it all. Without the power of belief of mind or “mindfulness” it doesn’t matter how much grit you have within or how much grind you go through. An unwavering belief must lead the way or else all the other efforts will be futile. There must be no doubt in your capabilities or the intention and capabilities of the team as a whole. When you are operating from this ultimate state there is no fear, only faith. This is a faith that allows you to look at yourself honestly. No ego protects you from the truth of what you need to do or areas you need to improve on to become the best you can be. This humility is exactly what allows the next level of awareness and results.

“You have got to believe in yourself every time you go out there and race. If you have no faith in your ability all that training has been a waste of time.”
Maurice Green
Read the full article: Grit, Grind and Mind: The Path of a Champion
Howard Falco is a spiritual teacher, peak performance expert and coach, and author of I AM: The Power of Discovering Who You Really Are.